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- PowerFliC 32bit, revision history
- -------------------------------------
- - 1.71 *Although this is just a minor version, a lot of internal
- source clean-up was done, with this in mind, let me know if
- any new bugs popped up.
- *Added a new command line parameter, use "/HIDEMENU" to
- hide the powerflic interface menu. Although not really
- needed, you should probably do a "/SHOWMENU" at the
- end.
- Example : "powerflc /hidemenu /play hello.flc /showmenu"
- or : "powerflc /hidemenu /playfile hello.flc /close"
- *When playing several flics at a sequence from the command line
- the transition between the flics should now be smoother.
- *PowerFliC now tries to conform better to NT 4.0 specifications.
- I didn't see any difference in playback here, but others might.
- *The powerflc.cfg file should now be more reliable (hopefully).
- One of these days i'll just write it to the registery, but
- corrently im too lazy.
- *Fixed disappearence bug where the Powerflic menu just didn't
- appear. If this still happens, just delete the powerflc.cfg
- file, and the problem will get solved.
- - 1.70 *You can now play a wave file (.WAV) in sync with the flic.
- You must specify the wave file name BEFORE using one of the
- play command lines. The wave file will only play for the
- next played flic file.
- Example : "powerflc /wavfile hithere.wav /play hello.flc /close"
- If the flic is looping, the wave file may get cut, since it will
- be restarted when the flics loops.
- *Now the /WinMax parameter actually works :)
- - 1.62 *When trying to press the "P" button to play instead of the play
- button, PowerFliC crashed.
- *Fixed the error when trying to use the /TitleON or /TitleOFF
- command lines.
- *Added another command line parameter called /BigReadON
- It changes the way PowerFliC reads the flic from hard disk,
- it takes about 100-400k more memory (depanding on resolution),
- it only works when playing from hard disk. It MIGHT be faster,
- but im not really sure. It is by default OFF.
- - 1.61 *Eeek, a really bad resource leak problem fixed!
- - 1.60 *Check out my ALL-New home page!, it holds information on
- 3D-Design and Rendering, it shows some of my rendering work.
- And ofcourse, it holds link to PowerFliC, so you'll always
- know where to get the latest version from.
- Check the page out at:
- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/6601/index.html
- If you have a 3D related page of your own, let me know, and
- i'll add a link.
- *Yes, it appears i missed yet another thing, delay frames.
- When there was NO difference between frames, it should have
- been a delay frame, but i just skipped it. Oh well, this is
- now fixed, and the player waits the frame out.
- *Another buggy (?) encoder problem overcome, it appears that
- some flic encoder leaves trash after certain frames, expecting
- the decoder to ignore file position and follow header information
- blindly. Well, i didn't make PowerFliC follow blindly, but i did
- add a small check for this annoyence, so there will be NO slow downs
- by disk seeks trying to reposition on correctly encoded flic files.
- *Now when loop is disabled, the ring frame is not decoded so that
- the last and not the first frame in the flic will remain on screen.
- *Fixed a bug that caused the play from file button not to work
- if used more than once.
- *You can now play Read-Only files. Don't you just hate
- those stupid system fuck-ups?
- *Very minor cosmetic fix-ups.
- *Improved decoding speed by about half a precent. Decoding
- speed is about 1030fps at 320x240 on a P5/100mhz (decoding
- alone, without the display).
- *Added a rant and rave section to the docs, discussing some
- of the benifits of the different animation formats.
- - 1.51 *Check out the new K-Rad 256 color icon! (it only appears
- in the program when in High color modes, but you can view
- the powericn.gif if your vga does not support such modes).
- *It seems i didn't check the new play from file methud enough.
- It had some bugs when trying to use it from the command line.
- *A few other command line glitches were fixed.
- - 1.50 *Although the interface looks exactly the same as v1.40, the
- meaning of the Play from File button has changed!. With this
- button, you now select a file to be played, and it is only
- played when you press the PLAY button. When the flic playback
- is complete, the play button is remained enabled and you can
- press it again to play the same file from disk.
- *New information "Status" under the information page (Alt-I).
- The status can contain three things:
- 1. In memory = A Flic is currently loaded in memory.
- 2. File Selected = A flic file was selected using the
- file play option.
- 3. None = Means that there is no flic in memory
- or file selected to be played.
- *Now pressing the Close button in the IMAGE window fixes the
- image window to one forth the size of the screen.
- *New key "Alt-Enter" this key will Go to full-screen
- stretch mode. Pressing it again will restore the
- window size to the size defined in the Flic header.
- *You can now always exit using the quit button, even during
- flic playback.
- *Now when you move a window on top of a stopped flic, and
- move it off, the bitmap is not erased. Not really important
- but what a little more attractive.
- - 1.40 *256 color playback now maps unsupported colors the nearest
- colors in the palette, no more black areas where pixels were
- lost to the 20 system palette.
- - 1.30 *Playback speed improvement!, playing is 30%-50%
- faster now. PowerFliC was timed playing a full motion
- 800x600 full screen flic at 28 frames per second
- on a P5/100mhz.
- This improvement is due to faster screen writes,
- PowerFliC has an ASM32 Optimized decoder, so the
- decoding was always fast. Another thing, the screen
- writes are still the bottleneck. PowerFliC could be
- even faster (Maybe when i get some good Direct-X docs
- it will get even faster).
- *Added a new key "CTRL-+" (Control Plus), this key will
- restore playback speed to it's predefined original state.
- *Added a new key "CTRL--" (Control Minus), this key will
- move the speed bar to the Max (0) position for maximum
- playback speedrates.
- *Now pressing "ALT-X" will exit PowerFliC,
- even during playback.
- *Fixed a bug that caused a "Divide by zero" error
- when playing flics where the speed was set at 0.
- *Improved display of FPS (under statistics) when dealing with
- VERY high speed playback (at 100fps).
- *Small DOC size (reduced image to 16 colors :)
- - 1.20 *It appears that without a special command, windows timing
- accuracy is bad. So there was a +/- 12ms inaccuracy
- in play timing. Fixed.
- *Ouch, it appears that some flic encoders (Animator PRO)
- write wrong frame size for uncompressed frames!
- This caused PowerFliC to crash with and "I/O 87" error.
- *Another bug related to uncompressed frames was fixed, it
- was causing unreliable playback on flics with uncompressed
- frames that may cause the player to crash.
- *Added tiny arrows to the left and right of the bars
- for accurate moving.
- *A new playing statistic page was added (ALT-S).
- *A new information page was added (ALT-I).
- - 1.10 *Changed name from "Flic Player 32bit" to
- "PowerFliC 32bit", sounds better.
- *It appears that some sort of encoder seems to save
- the ring frame of FLI/FLC files as 0 chunks.
- This caused a "Read beyond end of file" error.
- PowerFliC now plays these files smoothly
- (not like some other flic players).
- *When PowerFliC is passed an invalid or non-existant
- flic file, it now informs you of the problem instead
- of ignoring it.
- *Added a new key "ALT-X" to exit PowerFliC
- (Only works when there is no flic playing).
- *PowerFliC now correctly writes it's configuration
- file in the directory the exe file is located,
- and NOT the directory it was run at.
- *New "About" window created to reflect name change.
- *PowerFliC is now available on Tucows (http://www.tucows.com)
- and all it's mirrors.
- If you're having problems connecting to tucows, try one of
- it's mirrors at "http://www.env.com".
- - 1.00 Flic Player 32bit First Release.